Thursday, November 11, 2010

Final Collection!

Final Collection!

Well we finished up my final collection on Wednesday at around 2:00.  Finally I was FREE!!!  Literally to move my arms around after 3 consecutive days and get out of that bed.  I was overwhelmed at how emotional I got when I said good bye to the nurses.  They had been incredible to me.  My Transplant Nurse Muriel in the photo above handing me my final collection bag has been so supportive for the last 4 months.  I won't see Muriel until after my transplant.  As I was giving her a hug goodbye my emotions got the best of me.  She assured me that I will come through this with flying colors!!  Next it was time to say good-bye to all the people I met in the collection room that will be receiving their transplants next with along with me.  Our eyes met and without words we understood each other exactly.  We are all fearful of what next week will bring.  But somehow knowing that we are all going through it together left us all with a little peace of mind. 

Fortunately there was not much traffic and we made it home just in time to meet the kids at the bus stop.  Their faces were priceless.  They all dropped their backpacks and ran to me.  It was a beautiful moment.  I had missed them all so much!  When we walked to the driveway, Flower just about knocked me over she was so excited to me!  What a welcome!  When I walked in the door there was a big homemade welcome home sign made by the kids with a big rainbow on it.  Oh it felt so great to be home, my favorite place to be in the world. 

Today, was a great day.  The kids had no school because of Veteran's Day so we spent a nice morning lounging in our pj's .  After spending a great morning together the kids all went off and had some fun with friends.  I spent a good part of the afternoon getting things organized for the kids for next week.  Tonight I received a call from Muriel my Transplant Nurse.  She called to let me know that I collected over 10.12 million stem cells.  I am psyched!! I did it!  I got over my goal!  So next week I will be receiving 5.5 million of those beautiful stemmies and the remainder will be kept in storage.  Hopefully I won't need them, but if I do they will be waiting for me.

Tomorrow my beautiful friend Beth is having a lunch for me with many of my close friends.  I am so looking forward to spending the afternoon with them.   It is hard to believe that in just a few short days I will be heading down to Boston and checking in to the hospital.  I am going to try to fully enjoy and cherish these next 3 days and try not to let my anxiety get the best of me.  Thank you all for your love and support.  I wish you all a beautiful peaceful night!


1 comment:

  1. Great job Jean! You are doing great. You most definitely will win this battle.

