Monday, August 8, 2011

A Night of Hope-An Incredible Night of Love and Inspiration!

Suzi and I 

Click on the above link to watch My Story of Hope we showed at last night's event!

Last night we held our first annual "A Night of Hope".  I am still smiling just thinking about it.  The night was absolutely perfect!  The room was filled with so much friendship, love and support.  It was the first big fundraising event Suzi and I have ever planned.  We were completely overwhelmed by the support from local businesses who generously donated to our Silent Auction.  We had beautiful items and all of the guests had so much fun outbidding each other. We had 21 items that varied from beautiful jewelry from Lia Sophia, a Vera Bradley collection, A Coach Bag, custom made dresses, gift certificates, gym memberships, a private airplane ride, to even a complete Party on a Patio (that included wine, tequila, a cooler, a bistro table set and fire pit)!  We had so many generous fun bidders!  A big shout out to David Kubick and Beth Falkner, our highest bidders!  With all of your donations, the auction items alone have brought in over $3000!  

The dinner was amazing!  Giorgio's in Milford, NH did an incredible job putting together an unforgettable night.  The food was absolutely perfect and paired with such delicious wines!  My brother Rob with his incredible talents really made the night flawless!  In addition to the great menu and auction,  Suzi did a fantastic job giving an overview of the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF).  Everyone there was so inspired by all that Kathy Giusti and her sister and all the incredible people at the MMRF and their efforts to raise money and their forward thinking to advance efforts to find a cure for Multiple Myeloma.  Suz is a natural public speaker!  My husband Mike help me put together a short movie that I am so proud of!  It really captures all the emotions and love over the past year in our lives.  And it truly displays all of the awesome energy and determination that we and so many of our supporting friends and family have to help raise awareness and money to help the MMRF!  I can't wait for all of you to watch this!  

So where do we go from here?  Well first on the calendar, is to celebrate my birthday this week!  I have never been more happy to celebrate turning another year older!  This year is the big 41! And what better way to celebrate than to bring my kids to an amusement park and ride the most thrilling rides with them!  This girl has no fear now!!  And then we are heading for some much needed R&R time with the kids for a week down Cape Cod!  I can't wait!  Before long, fall will be here and busy schedules and school will start up again.  We have so much to look forward to!  Suzi and I got up to the 16 mile mark the other day.  We are hoping to reach 20 miles by the end of August.  Our first marathon is in the middle of October!  And before that, the Sept. 17 MMRF Race for Research in Boston.  We are so excited for this race!  We are planning on having an even larger team than last year!  We are going to have a tent with lots of goodies for all our team members.  We hope all our team members from last year come out to join us again and we welcome new faces as well.  We hope everyone brings their kids along, as it is such a fun day!  Last night, my beautiful Aunt Sue told everyone she is going to have a big party at her house after the race!  If we are lucky, Uncle John will entertain us with his amazing voice!  Every year, the MMRF honors someone they feel demonstrates hope.   This year I am honored to be the recipient of the "Spirit of Hope Award".  I hope many of you can come out and celebrate with me!  

Well, off to have some fun on this humid August day!  I hope you all enjoy the little movie we put together.  Thank you all for your continuing love and support!



  1. Congrats on the event Jeanie! Happy birthday and enjoy your vacation!!

  2. Congratulations on a wonderful night of love, friendship and support for MMRF and research to cure MM! So glad everything went so well...the video is very touching. I can certainly see why you were honored with the Spririt of Hope Award. Keep up all the good work as you truly inspire others with what you have overcome!

  3. Happy birthday! I just did the 46 thing on the 8th. You look terrific and I hope this year is filled with blessings.
